HOPPES BRONZE RIFLE CHAMBER BRUSH AR5.56MM/.223 FEATURES:-Stout bristles for efficient cleaning-Most effective on leadSpecificationsDimension1.10 X 1.65 X 4.90Height1.10Width1.65Length4.90Type/ColorRifle Chamber BrushSize/Finish5.56Mm/... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.86 Add to Cart
HOPPES CLEANING SWAB .40-.45 CALIBERS FEATURES-100% cotton-Soft & washable-Gentle, yet effectiveSpecificationsDimension0.65 X 1.75 X 4.90Height0.65Width1.75Length4.90Type/ColorCleaning SwabSize/Finish.40-.45 CalibersMaterialCotton MSRP: Was: Now: $1.26 Add to Cart
HOPPES CLEANING SWAB .17 CAL. FEMALE CONNECTION FEATURES-100% cotton-Soft & washable-Gentle, yet effectiveSpecificationsDimension0.50 X 2.00 X 4.95Height0.50Width2.00Length4.95Type/ColorCleaning SwabSize/Finish.17 CaliberMaterialCotton MSRP: Was: Now: $1.44 Add to Cart
HOPPES BRONZE RIFLE CHAMBER BRUSH AR7.62MM/.308 FEATURES:-Stout bristles for efficient cleaning-Most effective on leadSpecificationsDimension1.15 X 1.70 X 4.85Height1.15Width1.70Length4.85Type/ColorRifle Chamber BrushSize/Finish7.62Mm/... MSRP: Was: Now: $3.43 Add to Cart
HOPPES UTILITY BRUSH NYLON BRISTLE FEATURES-Nylon bristles-Two bristled ends - one for large areas, the other for tight spots-Intense scrubbing without scratching-Extremely rugged design-Ideal for breeches & myriad other... MSRP: Was: Now: $1.90 Add to Cart
HOPPES SLOTTED PATCH END .16/.12 GAUGE FEATURES-16/12 gauge slotted end-Permits interchangeability with non-standard size threadsSpecificationsDimension0.50 X 1.70 X 4.85Height0.50Width1.70Length4.85Type/ColorSlotted Patch EndSize/Finish... MSRP: Was: Now: $0.86 Add to Cart
HOPPES SLOTTED PATCH END .22 CALIBER FEATURES-.22 cal. slotted end-Permits interchangeability with non-standard size threadsSpecificationsDimension0.10 X 1.70 X 4.90Height0.10Width1.70Length4.90Type/ColorSlotted Patch EndSize/Finish.22... MSRP: Was: Now: $0.86 Add to Cart
HOPPES SLOTTED PATCH END .30/.45 CALIBERS FEATURES-.30, .38 & .45cal. slotted end-Permits interchangeability with non-standard size threadsSpecificationsDimension0.45 X 1.75 X 4.90Height0.45Width1.75Length4.90Type/ColorSlotted Patch... MSRP: Was: Now: $0.86 Add to Cart
HOPPES SLOTTED PATCH END .410/.20 GAUGES FEATURES-.410 to 20gaugeslotted end-Permits interchangeability with non-standard size threadsSpecificationsDimension0.45 X 1.75 X 4.90Height0.45Width1.75Length4.90Type/ColorSlotted Patch... MSRP: Was: Now: $0.86 Add to Cart
HOPPES GUN OIL 40Z. AEROSOL FEATURES-4 oz. aerosol-High-viscosity oil refined to perfection-Ideal for firearms, fishing reels, & other precision mechanisms-Extra-long lasting-Does not harden, gum, or... MSRP: Was: Now: $5.69 Add to Cart
HOPPES #9 BORE CLEANER 2OZ. BOTTLE FEATURES-2 oz. bottle-Removes powder, lead, metal fouling, & rust-A worldwide favorite since 1903-Penetrates deep & rapidly-Ultra-potent & easy to useSpecificationsDimension1.55 X 2.55 X... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.42 Add to Cart
HOPPES #9 POWDER SOLVENT 5OZ. BOTTLE FEATURES-5 oz. bottle-Removes powder, lead, metal fouling, & rust-A worldwide favorite since 1903-Penetrates deep & rapidly-Ultra-potent & easy to useSpecificationsDimension2.05 X 2.10 X... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.00 Add to Cart
HOPPES #9 BORE CLEANER 16OZ. BOTTLE FEATURES-1 pint-Removes powder, lead, metal fouling, & rust-A worldwide favorite since 1903-Penetrates deep & rapidly-Ultra-potent & easy to useSpecificationsDimension2.75 X 2.85 X 6... MSRP: Was: Now: $8.38 Add to Cart
HOPPES #9 POWDER SOLVENT 32OZ. BOTTLE FEATURES-1 quart-Removes powder, lead, metal fouling, & rust-A worldwide favorite since 1903-Penetrates deep & rapidly-Ultra-potent & easy to useSpecificationsDimension3.40 X 3.40 X 8... MSRP: Was: Now: $14.14 Add to Cart
HOPPES #9+ BLACKPOWDER SOLVENT AND PATCH LUBE 8OZ. SQ.BOTTLE FEATURES-8 oz. squeeze bottle-Lubricates as it cleans fouling from the bore-Protects against rust & corrosion-Equally effective for deep or shallow-grooved barrelsSpecificationsDimension1.80 X 1... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.80 Add to Cart
HOPPES BLACK GUN CLEANER 2 OZ. ALUMINIUM PUMP BOTTLE FEATURES-Advanced cleaning formula engineered specifically to remove high carbon levels from high round count firearms-Safe to use on any firearm bore-Delivers a superior clean-2.5 oz. aluminum... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.46 Add to Cart
HOPPES BLACK GUN CLEANER 6 OZ. ALUMINIUM PUMP BOTTLE FEATURES-Advanced cleaning formula engineered specifically to remove high carbon levels from high round count firearms-Safe to use on any firearm bore-Delivers a superior clean-6 oz. aluminum... MSRP: Was: Now: $8.27 Add to Cart
HOPPES BLACK COPPER CLEANER SPECIFICALLY FOR MSR FEATURES-Give your bore a complete clean using Hoppe’s Black Copper Cleaner-Safe to use on any firearm bore-Designed to remove high levels of copper-4 oz. bottleSpecificationsDimension1.80 X 1... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.67 Add to Cart
HOPPES BLACK GREASE SYRINGE SYNTHETIC POLYMER FORMULA FEATURES-Decrease the wear and tear on your firearms using Hoppe’s Black Grease Syringe-Boasts extreme temperature range from -65°F to 540°F-Synthetic polymer formula-Syringe allows for... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.60 Add to Cart
HOPPES BLACK LUBE 2 OZ. RUST INHIBIOR W/ TIP APPLICATR FEATURES-Formulated to manage the high heat temperature conditions created in high round count shooting situations-Boasts extreme temperature range from -65°f to 540°f-Includes rust... MSRP: Was: Now: $5.21 Add to Cart
HOPPES BLACK LUBE 4 OZ. RUST INHIBIOR W/ TIP APPLICATR FEATURES-Formulated to manage the high heat temperature conditions created in high round count shooting situations-Boasts extreme temperature range from -65°f to 540°f-Includes rust... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.24 Add to Cart
HOPPES BR#9 BENCHREST SOLVENT 16OZ. BOTTLE FEATURES-1 pint-Copper fouling can be cleaned from the bore overnight with this powerful cleaner-Safe, effective, & contains no abrasives-Also great for removing powder, lead, & plastic from... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.17 Add to Cart
HOPPES GUN MEDIC 2 OZ. LUBE BIO-BASED FORMULA FEATURES-Same technology used in jet propulsion engines-Technologically-advanced lube coats your firearm micro-thin layer of lube to defend against wear and moisture-The perfect follow up to Gun... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.06 Add to Cart
HOPPES LEAD B GONE HAND WIPES FEATURES-40 count-Skin cleaning wipes-Removes up to 99.9 percent of metal contaminants with water rinse-Saturated with gentle pH cleaner-Soft towels lift and trap lead and metal dust-Contains aloe... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.56 Add to Cart